Transport industry

Paper branch

Chemical industry



Company profile:
A global leader in the production of packaging, paper and cellulose.
The Customer's needs:

  • Unification, simplification and putting the processes of ordering raw materials and transport and warehouse processes in order
  • Avoiding multiple entering of data (different systems, Excel files)

Process of implementation:

The implementation was preceded by a suitable analysis which identified the Customer's needs and the best solutions. The purpose of the implementation was to simplify processes, distribute works in an effective way and increase the supplies of raw materials. We have implemented modules responsible for auctions, supply notification, management of events, contracts and schedules. Implemented elements also include Extranet, Intranet with calculators (used during the registration of measurements and verifying whether the vehicles registering at the entrance gate have not exceeded allowed total weight). Our solutions have been integrated with the ERP system (SAP).


  • Easier selection of the most cost-effective transport services - our Customer has been provided with a useful tool which simplifies the decisive process concerning the smooth selection of a provider, while maintaining full diligence when choosing the most suitable services.
    Optimised settlement of cost invoices – implementing the Extranet allowed making transport operators responsible for settling invoices, which has optimised certain staff-related issues and made it possible to assign other tasks to the employees.
    Proper organisation of planning – The module of supply notification in terms of road and rail transport has properly organised delivery dates, time windows for planned delivery date, the supplier of wood, a vehicle and a driver who will execute the delivery.
  • Improved management of the facility's premises – the use of Intranet and the function of calculators allows better management of vehicles at the entrance gate and better control of allowed total weight. Simple, colourful indicators make it easier to make the right decision e.g. on allowing a vehicle to access the premises. The communication module informs drivers automatically of the possibility to enter the premises, and if specific, defined events in the system occur, the module sends automatic e-mails with attachments, which allows employees to focus on other tasks.
    Minimised cost of unloading – the module responsible for managing the entrance of vehicles has streamlined the management of the sequence of vehicles, which has optimised the time spent on waiting for unloading, and, at the same time, the number of possible unloadings.
  • Greater control over concluded contracts – the module responsible for agreements and schedules improves planning the continuity of raw material deliveries and allows better control of amounts delivered by suppliers.
    Recording of actions – from the list of employees' tasks, statuses, to information concerning problems. Precise entries allow accurate reporting on any time-related dependencies as part of defined lists of events, including, above all, precise definition of the most important KPIs in any scope of dates. Implementing the module responsible for the entrance of vehicles has improved the management of the sequence of vehicles, which helps minimise unloading costs and shorten the waiting time.
    Eliminating the need to enter data multiple times – integration with the SAP system makes it easier to carry out business analyses and to make strategic and operational decisions at the Customer's Company.

Over 800 users, from the Company's employees to external providers, take advantage of the implemented solutions.


Company profile:
A provider of international transport services in terms of road, maritime and air transport.

The Customer's needs:
A system managing road orders in terms of transport and finance.


  • registration and management of full and partial truck load orders in a scattered, multi-departmental company structure
  • possibility to plan orders including the selection of a transport operator
  • verification of transport operators in terms of policies and licenses
  • the customer's credit limit
  • transport documentation


  • possibility to issue single and collective sales invoices
  • sending invoices directly from the system
  • ongoing control of orders which have not been invoiced
  • registration of cost invoices from transport operators
  • registration of hedging costs
  • integration with the accounting system

Process of implementation:
The implementation in all Polish branches of the company was smooth – two months passed from the implementation analysis to the go-live phase.
As a result of the analysis, specifications and specific needs were determined, on whose basis an installation prototype and a test solution were prepared. The finishing touches were put after a month of joint work – at the final stage, workshops and training courses were provided to employees. The go-live stage started with the assistance of the employees of Comp-Win.


  • Shorter time of order execution – the implementation allows the Customer to handle road orders in a comprehensive and automated way. Immediate access to information concerning transport operators' policies, licenses and credit limits allows the Customer to make faster and better operational decisions.
  • Smoother invoicing  – the system automatically generates sales invoices on the basis of transport orders and assigns costs (cost invoices, currency hedging) to individual orders, which allows smoother financial settlements and better control of customers' payments.
  • A reporting platform – the implementation has provided the management with a complex reporting tool.

Profil Firmy:
Jedna z wiodących firm produkcyjnych z branży chemicznej, działająca na terenie Polski oraz Unii Europejskiej. Wdrożenie rozwiązań firmy Comp-Win zmniejszyło koszty przewozów o 80 mln zł rocznie!

Diagnoza i potrzeby Klienta:
Klient potrzebował systemu, który standaryzowałoby, wspomagał i automatyzował procedury transportowe. Ważna była optymalizacja kosztów magazynowania i logistyki, a także czasu pracy poświęcanego na realizację zadań w tych obszarach.
Klient potrzebował wsparcia w szybkim i właściwym procesie decyzyjnym w zakresie wyboru najkorzystniejszej opcji współpracy z przewoźnikami, a w dalszej kolejności przekazanie  przewoźnikom odpowiedzialności za rozliczenia usług transportowych.

Wdrożone funkcjonalności:
Wdrożyliśmy System Transportowy składający się z wielu indywidualnie dobranych modułów, przez co dostosowaliśmy rozwiązanie całkowicie do potrzeb organizacyjnych Firmy. Wdrożyliśmy moduł aukcyjny, zarządzania spedycją drogową i łańcuchem dostaw oraz do zarządzania logistyką na terenie zakładu. Ponadto wdrożyliśmy Extranet oraz moduł optymalizujący rozliczania transportów. Całość rozwiązań zintegrowaliśmy z systemem IFS, dzięki czemu pracownicy odnajdują wszystkie informacje w jednym systemie – dane nie są rozproszone. Ułatwiliśmy w ten sposób raportowanie i analizowanie danych, co jest szczególnie istotne z perspektywy zarządczej.

Jednym z głównych celów było maksymalne uproszczenie i zautomatyzowanie procesów. Dzięki integracji z IFS System Transportowy automatycznie tworzy zlecenia przewozowe, a na ich podstawie generuje joby (jazdy). Natomiast na podstawie zleceń zakupu z IFS generują się zlecenia transportowe. Zestandaryzowaliśmy powtarzalne i nieskomplikowane czynności i ograniczyliśmy do minimum aktywność pracowników w powyższym zakresie. Zredukowaliśmy maksymalnie czas, który pracownicy poświęcali na planowanie transportów – obecnie kilkaset transportów planowanych jest w ramach 3/4 etatu.

Zadbaliśmy też o to, by zautomatyzować naliczanie kosztów transportu, a także by zwiększyć efektywność współpracy między Klientem a przewoźnikami. Do tego celu wykorzystaliśmy Extranet, w którym przewoźnicy samodzielnie alokują faktury kosztowe i wprowadzają dane transportowe. To rozwiązanie, podobnie jak automatyzacja, zoptymalizowało pracę pracowników Klienta. Wpłynęło także na transparentność wspólnych działań Klienta i przewoźników.

Ułatwiliśmy proces wyboru dostawców usług poprzez wdrożenie modułu aukcyjnego – dzięki temu przy niskich kosztach nasz Klient organizuje aukcje (niektóre aukcje są całkowicie zautomatyzowane). Narzędzie pozwala mu sprawnie przeprowadzać negocjacje, także warunków pozacenowych. Narzędzie do zarządzania cennikami i kontraktami minimalizuje koszty transportu i ułatwia podejmowanie trafnych decyzji.
Poprawiliśmy komunikację między Klientem a kierowcami. W określonych sytuacjach kierowcy otrzymują automatyczne wiadomości sms, dzięki czemu zarówno kierowcy i Klient działają efektywniej, nie tracąc czasu na zbędne telefony czy wiadomości e-mail. Na efektywność współpracy wpłynęło też wdrożenie modułu rejestrującego dostarczone przesyłki

Dzięki wdrożonemu rozwiązaniu cały proces obsługi transportu oraz rozliczania kosztów odbywa się w jednym systemie, a wielopłaszczyznowa integracja Systemu Transportowego z systemem IFS optymalizuje czas przeznaczony na wprowadzanie, czy generowanie danych – integracja umożliwia symetryczną wymianę danych między systemami. Automatyczne tworzenie dokumentów i spraw, a także przeniesienie ciężaru rozliczeń formalnych na dostawców usług transportowych pozwoliło oddelegować pracowników do wykonywania innych wartościowych zadań, natomiast automatyczne naliczanie kosztów oraz moduł aukcyjny, a także rozbudowana platforma raportowa pomagają w sprawniejszym zarządzaniu i planowaniu wydatków.
Z wdrożonego rozwiązania korzysta ponad 100 użytkowników zarówno w Polsce, jak i zagranicą. System STS zoptymalizował koszty przewozów o 80 mln. zł rocznie!

Zbigniew Lange, Vice-President of the Board of Directors of Synthos S.A., about the effects of the implementation:

"Investment in the system has brought measurable results: shortly after the implementation we have noted savings, which we treat as return on investment. The system allows us to manage all logistics activities in the company in a comprehensive and optimum way”.


Company profile:
One of leading production companies in the chemical industry, operating in Poland and in the European Union.
The Customer's needs:

  • Standardisation and automation of transport services
  • Optimisation of labour costs and time spent on warehousing and logistics
  • Streamlining the process of selecting transport operators
  • Acceleration of transport service settlements

Process of implementation:
As a response to the Customer's needs, tailored modules have been implemented, which include modules responsible for auctions, road freight management and the management of logistics within the facility. We have implemented Extranet and optimised transport settlements. The whole system has been integrated with the Customer's ERP.

Over 100 users, both in Poland and abroad, use the solution we have implemented. The Optilo system has optimised annual transport costs by PLN 80m! (

  • Easier selection of service providers – a special module allows our Customer to organise cost-effective auctions (some of which are entirely automated). The Customer is able to run smooth negotiations, also in terms unrelated to prices. The tool used to manage price lists and contracts minimises transport costs and makes taking right decisions easier and faster.
  • Smoother transport settlements – the Extranet module allows transport operators to enter transport data and allocate cost invoices on their own. The Customer saves time which had previously been spent on these activities. The solution has also influenced the transparency of the Customer's and transport operators' joint actions.
  • More effective cooperation between the Customer and the drivers – the test message module prevents the Customer from wasting time on unnecessary phone conversations or emails. The systems sends text messages automatically. The quality of communication has also improved the functionality of registration of delivered consignments.
  • Maximum simplification and automation of processes – Optilo automatically creates transport orders on the basis of data from the Customer's ERP. The system has standardised repetitive actions and limited the activity of employees in this scope to the minimum. As a result, the Customer has considerably reduced the time its employees spent on transport planning – now, several hundred transports, settled on a 3/4 working time basis, are planned daily.
    Advanced reporting –  the system has streamlined reporting and data analysis. Optilo allows generating reports in a number of dimensions, which is of particular significance from the management-related and operational perspective in dozens of countries. Due to the implemented solution, the entire transport-handling and cost settlement process occurs within one system, and the multi-dimensional integration of Optilo with the Customer's ERP system optimises time spent on the introduction or generation of data – the integration allows symmetric exchange of data between systems. Automatic generation of documents and orders, as well as transferring the burden of handling formal settlements to providers of transport services, allow assigning other, valuable tasks to employees, whereas automatic calculation of costs and the auctioning module, as well as the complex reporting platform, facilitate the management and planning of expenses.