Assistant in transport management. Transport Management System and its role in the organization of transport”. Expert commentary in the journal “Logistyka a Jakość”.

Publikacja: 05.11.2019


“The TMS systems currently do not differ significantly in terms of functionality. The advantage is gained by those that are open to electronic data exchange and can become part of digitised customer supply chains. As the years go by and the constant drive to improve productivity continues, automation is essential to relieve planners of the burden of repetitive tasks.  All decisions regarding packaging, consolidation, loading space arrangement, means of transport or subcontractor can be made by the system. When a decision is influenced by many factors, they can be made in a much shorter time. In addition, in the age of modern technology, customers expect systems to communicate automatically during all key milestones, with all partners in the supply chain. Next-generation systems also support users in automatically notifying any events that deviate from the planned transport route. The faster you know about a problem, the faster you can react and take corrective action. Therefore, when choosing a TMS class system, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the level of manual work performed by planners or forwarders and to move towards solutions that least involve specialists in “paperwork”. – expert commentary by Agnieszka Misiun, sales director of Comp-Win Sp. z o.o., “Logistyka a Jakość” magazine no. 5/2019, author of the article: Michał Jurczak.
The whole article is available under the link:

“Asystent w zarzadzaniu transportem. Transport Management System i jego rola w organizacji transportem”